Nodal Nudges ~ 10 Aug 2017

We ride the backside of Jupiter in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn. Can dignity prevail in desperate moments of preserving ones domain? Is there fairness to be found in the world? Is there a place where all can flourish?

More personally, can dignity and principle be found for the causes you pursue? Sure. Keep reflecting, however, look ahead to other notable alignments, particularly the nodal nudges happening within the next few weeks. Better yet, can the personal messages seeded during the recent Jupiter-Pluto pattern be cultivated and fertilized, such that on August 26th, the patterns of double scoop Jupiter sextile Saturn and Mars aligning with the Lunar North Node can be optimized?

What could be better for “growing corn” than the August 11 conjunction of Venus to Ceres? The goddess of agriculture, Ceres is fond of cultivation of those things that feed the world - whether tangible or intangible, and aiding undernourished personal causes and collective concerns into the limelight. With Venus and Ceres, subtle forces compile and insist upon internal reflection, an accurate assessment of need, and a softer approach to all confrontations.

Under the auspices of Venus-Ceres, it may be necessary to invest resources into the causes of the time. This does not necessarily mean money, though it could. Perhaps it would mark the launch of a funding campaign of some sort. Certainly your personal energy and talent must be invested without limitation or reservation.

Initially, the demands of the Venus to Ceres conjunction may feel a bit fuzzy, hard to pin down, illusive to isolation. If someone asks you for a statement of purpose, their request may feel daunting. No need to immediately reply. Mercury will be retrograde at this point. Simply state, “let me get back to you on that.” Better to state a day by which your reply can be expected. Saturn presently grinds to his station point, reminding us all that timing is everything. Be on schedule, and better ahead of schedule if quality can be assured.

Come August 16th, the Sun sheds its light on the directional system that is the north lunar node. Imagine that you just printed out the Google map of Galactic Guidance and you want to put it under the best light you can to ensure that every pixel can be seen in its greatest clarity. This is still Leo time here. It’s important to keep in mind that every statement made about what you will seek to accomplish and any claim you make about aspirations that serve the fullest capacity of your spirit, must ring impeccably true.

Certainly pride and ego are involved in the transits at hand, but a few bumps along the way can be endured as long as the ultimate goals for highest application in life can be achieved and achieved with the greatest acclaim achievable.

Jupiter sextiles Saturn, Libra to Sagittarius on August 26th. Team building is easy if those you seek to recruit naturally agree in principle with your objectives. Should you need to do any conversion therapy to secure those you’d like to include, perhaps other more aligned candidates should be considered first. It needs to be an easy fit of team members here. There is no grease for the gears in this system. It moves without grinding or it doesn’t.

Remember Mars is aligned with the Lunar Node on the very same day. Everyone must be on the same page. If a group of scientists decide they’re going to launch a rocket to Mars to create a platform for a Martian colony, having those on board who instead want to colonize the Moon may not be the best team members.

Ultimately, the alignments of the Sun to the Node and Mars to the Node are for you. They seek to create gain for your greatest and most regal objectives. Remain positively and confidently self-referential. There is no shame in pursuing your spirit’s quest, your soul’s dharmic fulfillment.

One important detail to keep in mind with Mercury retrograde in Virgo: When others ask questions about your plan, realize they have not been able to connect the dots as you did. They are not criticizing you. They are not declaring you are inferior, unevolved, uninspired or dim. They simply require more information before they can make a similar conclusion to the one you made. Be gracious in providing more data so they too may line up the logic and decide if they want to enlist with your cause. Avoid being impatient or short when providing what feels to you to be obvious information. Similarly, when you witness head nods in agreement with your proclamations, you’re done. Stop talking. The deal’s done. Ask if anyone has any specific question that needs answering. Pull out the pen. Sign the page.

Sometimes when others question your plan, new information comes your way that you didn’t have prior to your articulation. When new data comes in, welcome it. Find its proper place and drop it in the logic array. Next time you spin your proposal even more will be onboard at the get-go.

Speaking of Mercury retrograde in Virgo, no need to wait until the last minute to take advantage of my sale in honor of Mercury’s reverse course era. You can use the link below immediately. Perhaps a Galactic Report or a discounted half-hour session or asking a quick question, might offer info bits required to make your plans and objectives clearer still.

More soon.